is finished"
through these words I asked myself, what is finished?
they killed Jesus, was Jesus so powerless that the Romans and the Jewish
leaders could have disposed of him so easily. No! It doesn’t matter who condemned
Him to death, wether it was the Jewish
high priests or the Roman, Pontius Pilate, because in the gospel according to
St John chapter 10 verse 18 Jesus says
(Yes I do read the bible) "No one takes it from me, but I lay it
down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it
up again. This command I received from my Father."
went to the cross willingly because he had to die, die so that we may have
eternal life. Jesus had control over his life right up until he ascended into
is finished"
can imagine the tone in which Jesus must have said “it is finished”, John goes
on to say… he bowed his head, as if to be relieved… and yes, I believe he was
relieved, just as many of us would breathe a sigh of relief after a mammoth
task. That breath of relief when you got your results, telling you that you are
graduating. That breath of relief telling you that you have completed a module.
It is finished. No stone left unturned, when one is relieved to finish
something its usually a testament of the amount of effort put in. One cannot be
relieved without a considerable amount of effort, with no effort put it would
not matter if a task was finished or not. but In Jesus death it was finished…
we are born in a world of sin and death is penalty for sin, but not our death,
Jesus death which washed away our sins, so we can know the grace of God.
is finished… these words tell us something. These words tell us that Jesus was
not a quitter. He came down on earth a man on a mission. He persevered and saw
it through until it was indeed finished.
be Christian means to aspire to be like Christ. Christ was not a quitter. We
should be no less… there are days whereby we’ll walk through storms… we should
always hold our head up high and never be afraid of the dark, because the Lord
is our Sheppard. Though sometimes our
dreams may be tossed and blown, we should walk on with faith in our heart...
and we will never walk alone, because Christ dwells within us.
"Inkawu yatyiwa ilila, imfene yasinda ngokugoloza"
is sometimes viewed as a religion for the weak, because it teaches us to love,
and to forgive and sometimes be submissive. But that is not the case, as kwi
ncwadi yabase Philippi.. no not the phillipi in cape town, but Philippians 4:13
“ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” I am trying to say when adversities, arise
praying and doing nothing is like whining to the Lord… and no-one likes a
whiner.. when life throws its punches kufneka sigoloze, stand up and be noticed
only we can shape and mould our lives to glorify God Philippians reassures us
all things can be done through Christ all we need to do is to have, faith.
Faith in Jesus, faith in ourselves… kuba with the faith of a mustard seed we
can move mountains… they way I’m quoting the bible you’d swear I read the bible
from genesis to revelations that was Mathew 17:20
is finished”
died so that we may not parish… but have everlasting life, though the promise
of an everlasting life should not lead us to settle for second best while we
are still in the flesh. We are the Sons and daughters of God and as such are
royalty in our own right. Njengeculo belisitsho andikoyiki ukulwa… masingoyiki
ukulwela ubukhosi obufanele abantwana bakaTixo, kuba yena usecaleni kwethu.