Friday, September 12, 2014
Adieu ASF Adieu
It has been a very interesting year with ups and downs, smiles and frowns insert oth-er superlative here as I channel President Emeritus Rethabile Matlatsa's love for es-says... let's take walk down memory lane.
Facebook Group
I stepped into office at a time ASF's image was being dragged in the mud on social media with the executive (PEC) powerless to quell the situation as it had no control of the ASF group. Admittedly through no efforts of my own a serving PEC member is now and administrator of the popular group, which allows each ASFer to have their voice heard. Without suppressing any member's opinions we have seen a drastic reduction in facebook related issues, ASFers are more united than when I attended my 1st ASF conference in the Eastern Cape, and I believe we as ASFers should be proud that through our differences we came together.
Facebook Page
Still speaking about Facebook, noting that the database of ASF is difficult to keep up to date. I have seen to it that ASF has the means to disseminate information to mem-bers and the public. Granted the page is still in its early stages I believe it is the best means to showcase the work done by ASF and by proper use direct traffic to the ASF website. The page provides an authoritative voice of the ASF to keep members cor-rectly informed.
With the rise of Twitter as the social platform of choice. The PEC saw it fit for ASF to expand its footprint on the internet to growing social media platforms. ASF is do-ing relatively on Twitter, engaging with members via the #asfquiz where ASFers learn about ASF, the Church and the Bible. How ever our twitter account does have its downfalls as there are not enough updates. This can be combated by giving re-gional MPOs access to the twitter account, thus increasing updates appeal and fol-lowers.
ASF Goes Green
At the 53rd ASF conference Mother Rachel Mash of the Green Anglicans encour-aged ASFers to be environmentally conscious. Contrary to reports at the 54th ASF Conference planting trees initiative stemmed (no pun intended) from the POA of GP/MP where MPO saw it a worthy project for the whole federation.
The feature story was the genesis of ASF, very interesting read I thank all collaborators, and all those who read it from cover to cover. Also to mention Lesotho Region and Western Cape Region had newsletters of their own published.
ASF Website
Probably my Achilles heel, it is true the website is hardly updated, but the notion that it needs to be redesigned i believe would be a costly exercise. The website needs fresh content on a regular. to that I suggest regional MPOs have powers to update their re-gional pages, and Provicial MPO moderates the page, after all no single person can do it all.
In the coming year I hope to see the ASF open a YouTube account, as too share those ASF moments we hold dear with those who could not make it to conference.
The groundwork has been laid the time is now for us to build. Alone the MPO can go fast, but with our help he can go farther. I leave you in good hands and I thank you for the journey it has been a joyous ride. Adieu
Monday, July 14, 2014
Keep Ya Head Up
You know if in life, if you are going to look for the approval of the public, you're still going to face a rough life. We all have a little time on this earth we need to at least make sure when we see our last days we look back and smile, not look back and see if other people will smile.
I am opening with that paragraph, because, I see praises and lauds being thrown everywhere but towards myself, after having done a similar job... sounds petty but sometimes it does make you think maybe I didn't perform my tasks but I gotta keep my head up. I trust myself and I'm on to the next one
I have recently served my term as Media & Projects Officer of the Anglican Students' Federation, looking back I am pleased with the work I have performed. I did the best I could and most importantly I enjoyed myself. I have left the federation in terms of social media presence with a foundation that will allow it to grow and stand amongst the the big kids in the playground.
I now look to return to my blogging days and maybe try to open a personal website. But for now I'll pen my adieu note.